Monday, 29 June 2015


Three years ago today I met the 11:30 boat in North Head. A blue van with a driver named ? (I called him Kevin but I found out later that wasn't his name, he did look like one though) brought a little boy and his belongings to me. We put him and his things in my vehicle and drove home, ready to become a family of four. THREE YEARS AGO TODAY. Wow. I can't believe it.

He's a very happy little boy. He's an early riser. He's a great sleeper. He's a lover of sweets, especially donuts. He loves trucks and diggers and riding his gator. He loves playing with Easton and Bryce, the two little boys who live near us. He loves to be read to. He likes to be in control. He enjoys going to the pool (or anywhere, actually) with Brady and Sherman, working to get it ready for swimming. He loves spending time with Neenie and Pa and Brynn. He's pretty sure he wants to go to school in September. He can buckle his own carseat now. He can also peddle his bike better now. He can be a tad stubborn. He tried hockey in the winter and is trying T-ball now. He loves going to the beach. He loves putting in wood and is always asking if we need more wood yet. He has an amazing memory for details. He holds a pencil perfectly and cuts like nobody's business. He knows his numbers and letters and the sounds some letters say. He sometimes likes to argue. He wants to work at Tim Hortons or drive heavy equipment or both. He loves to help cook. He plays well and has a good imagination. He's a good mess-maker, but he's also pretty good about cleaning up when he's told he has to. His speech and gross motor are still below age-appropriate. He knows how to get to favorites on the computer and find his YouTube construction videos. He loves to be picked up, all 49 lbs of him, and snuggled. He's really good at saying "excuse me" when he walks in front of people or burps. When he's sick, he's the best patient ever! He worries about fire. He loves dogs. He's good at zippering. He needs constant reasurrance about things. He's getting good at climbing. His fear of water is lessening. He's busy and likes to be on the go. He still sleeps with a soother and his blanket, he LOVES them! He knows most of the Dutchman Construction and road crew by name. He's learning how to rhyme.
He will have the same kindergarten teacher that Brady did. He's learning left and right. He loves sitting on Sherman's lap and playing "The Spin Game" (Trivia Crack) with him. He loves to kiss our booboos, and for us to kiss his. He's very curious about how things work. And there's so much more, of course.
He's so special, and we love him very much.